So, you got a new Apple Watch?

The new Apple Watch Series 6 is amazing, and if you’re like me, you are checking your Blood o2 levels, heart rate, and performing Electro Cardiograms hourly.  But what can you do with the app?

The app for App Watch is elegant and easy to use.  The first screen has easy to touch menu system that shows off all the different aspects of your smart home that you currently have installed. For me scenes is at the top of the list, giving me access to the scenes I’ve created on my phone including home, away, sleep, opening and closing my garage, and my personal favorite: Movie Time.  With a single touch an entire series of actions cascades across my home: doors lock, lights turn off, and the security system arms.

Probably the coolest function of the app on Apple Watch app is the ability to view cameras on your wrist.  Get a live stream anywhere.  See the puppy, check on the kids, peep the driveway, or check for deer in the back yard.  Its easy, fast, and fun.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to check on the cat…